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What were the effects of Krakatoa eruption?

Krakatoa's eruption sent six cubic miles of rock, ash, dust and debris into the atmosphere, darkening the skies and producing vividly colored sunsets and other spectacular effects around the world.

Considering this, how did the eruption of Krakatoa affect the world?

Krakatoa eruption cooled the world. WHEN the Indonesian volcano Krakatoa erupted in 1883, sending 25 cubic kilometres of rock and ash into the air, it did more than generate the loudest sound ever recorded. It also cooled the world's oceans and suppressed rises in sea level for decades afterwards.

Secondly, was the Krakatoa eruption predicted? Anak Krakatau Verbeek, in his report on the eruption, predicted that any new activity would manifest itself in the region which had been between Perboewatan and Danan. The eruptions were initially of pumice and ash, and that island and the two islands that followed were quickly eroded away by the sea.

Correspondingly, what damage did Krakatoa cause?

The Krakatoa eruption was about ten times more explosive than the Mount St. Helens explosion of 1980 with a VEI of 5.) Tephra (volcanic rock fragments) and hot volcanic gases overcame many of the victims in western Java and Sumatra, but thousands more were killed by the devastating tsunami.

What was the cost of damage from Krakatoa?

On Sept. 28, a 7.5-magnitude quake triggered a tsunami and liquefied the earth, burying entire neighborhoods in Palu, on the island of Sulawesi. More than 2,000 died. The government estimates the costs of those two earthquakes at more than $2.4 billion.

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