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What is creme fraiche used for in cooking?

Crème fraîche is used in both sweet or savory recipes. Use it as a dip for fruit or in place of whipped cream on pies and tarts. It can also be stirred into sauces, soups, and pasta or simply used as a topping for seafood, steak, and other savory dishes.

Hereof, what is creme fraiche used for?

Preparation. Richer than soured cream, crème fraîche can be used to lace soups, sauces and stews or can be spooned over puddings and stirred into sweet dishes.

Similarly, can you use creme fraiche in baking? Thick, silky crème fraîche provides an instant upgrade when it comes to desserts, whether you're adding a dollop to a piece of pie or incorporating it into cake batter for some added tang.

Accordingly, how do you use creme fraiche?

How to Use Creme Fraiche

  1. Mixed into soups and pan sauces to thicken them.
  2. Blended with herbs and citrus as a topping for meat.
  3. Mixed with spices as a creamy salad dressing.
  4. Served atop scones.
  5. Added to scrambled eggs.
  6. Mixed into breads, cookies, and other baked goods.
  7. Whipped with sugar or vanilla and served with fresh fruit.

What does creme fraiche taste like?

sour, creme fraiche is rich and tart. And as a byproduct of the bacteria added to produce it, creme fraiche tends to make other foods taste buttery. But unlike yogurt, creme fraiche isn't particularly acidic (so it's not great for marinades).

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