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How long should I wait to polish clear coat?

If you have recently applied clear coat to a paint job, it's time to buff it out to a high shine. Clear coat should be allowed to harden for at least 24 hours before attempting to use a buffer.

Considering this, how long should clear coat dry before waxing?

30-45 days in average temperatures, if you're in the desert in 90+ weather all the time 20 days would be fine. It takes a few weeks for the clearcoat to really cure fully.

Additionally, do I need to wet sand after clear coat? The clear coat should be wet-sanded with 400 grit sandpaper. The sanding steps help diminish the clear coat until the entire surface is smooth. The polishing helps smooth out the scratches made by the sandpaper. Sanding can be a time consuming process, so plan to spend some time on this step.

People also ask, how do I make my clear coat shiny?

Once clear coat is applied you need to sand it with low grit wet and dry sand paper and then rub it out with low grit rubbing compound. This is how you will get it to shine. You will want to get some of this sandpaper in 1000 to 3000 grit levels as well as some rubbing and polishing compound.

How many coats of clear coat do you need?

Plan for 2-3 coats. When applying multiple coats (recommended), it's a good idea to apply the first coat lightly. Doing so helps prevent shrinkage which causes cracks. All preceding coats should be full and wet!

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