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What is the difference between sil vous plait and S il te plait?

S'il te plaît is used for tu (informal/singular) and s'il vous plaît is used for vous* (formal/plural). The literal translation of it is "if it pleases you".

Also to know is, what is the meaning of s'il vous plait?

adverb. S'il vous plaît is a French expression that is defined as "please" or "if you please." An example of s'il vous plaît is asking a bell hop at a hotel in Nice to please bring your bags up to your room. YourDictionary definition and usage example.

Secondly, is Et toi formal or informal? Et Tu is the informal way of saying 'and you', et Vous is the formal version. You will use Vous when talking to people that are older than your self, bosses etc but it is also used when you don't know a person.

Consequently, how do you use S il vous plait?

Usage notes S'il vous plaît is used to address someone formally (being polite or speaking with elders), using vous, or to address more than one person; when using the phrase informally (with friends and family), one would use tu, hence s'il te plaît.

What is the meaning of Merci?

Use merci in a sentence. interjection. The definition of merci is thank you in French. An example of merci is what is said when someone helps you in France.

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