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What is the difference between hand sanitizer and soap?

The difference between hand sanitizer and hand soap is that sanitizer kills germs whereas soap simply washes them off. Hand sanitizer should be 60 to 95 percent alcohol to be effective at protecting you against infectious disease.

Furthermore, what is more effective hand sanitizer or soap?

Soap and water are more effective than hand sanitizers at removing certain kinds of germs, like Cryptosporidium, norovirus, and Clostridium difficile1-5. Hand sanitizers may not be as effective when hands are visibly dirty or greasy.

Beside above, are all hand sanitizers the same? “It's anywhere between 40 and 60 percent effective.” WE THINK all hand sanitizers are the same. WE KNOW hand sanitizers with less than 60 percent ethyl or isopropyl alcohol aren't nearly as good at killing germs – even though some brands on the market contain only 40 percent.

Besides, why is soap and water more effective than hand sanitizer?

The primary purpose of hand soap is to remove germs and bacteria, not kill it. When washing your hands with soap, dirt and germs trapped in the natural oils of the skin are lifted and suspended in water. Alcohol-based hand sanitizer, on the other hand, is proven to kill viruses and bacteria.

When should you use soap and water instead of alcohol based Handrub?

Alcohol-based handrub

  1. Use an alcohol-based handrub when your hands are not visibly soiled.
  2. Wash your hands with soap and water when your hands are visibly soiled.

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