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What are the azure regions?

Azure regions
  • Azure Norway.
  • Azure Germany.
  • Azure Switzerland.
  • Azure United Arab Emirates.
  • Azure South Africa.
  • Azure Australia.
  • Azure France.
  • Azure Government.

Simply so, what is the current count of azure regions?

54 Azure regions

Additionally, how many Azure German regions are there? Our new Frankfurt and Berlin datacenter regions join 56 Azure datacenter regions with more than 150 edge node locations and 100,000 miles of fiber and undersea cable systems.

Also to know, how do I know my azure region?

Find your organization location Sign in to your organization ({yourorganization} ). Organization settings. Select Overview. The region is listed below.

Where is UK South Azure?


Region Location
France South Marseille
UK South London
UK West Cardiff
Germany Central (Sovereign) Frankfurt

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