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What are non metals 5 nonmetals?

Chemically, hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, arsenic, and selenium are the non-metallic elements in the periodic table.

Similarly, it is asked, what are the 22 non metals?

In modern periodic table there are 22 non-metals in which there are 11 gases, 1 liquid and 10 solid. Bromine occurs in the state of liquid and hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, chlorine etc are found in gaseous forms. But carbon, sulphur, phosphorous, iodine etc solid non-metals.

Secondly, what are uses of non metal? Uses of Non-metals: Chlorine is used in bleacing powder and liquid bleach, which are used for cleaning purposes. Chlorine is also very efficient disinfectant, hence added in public water to kill disease causing pathogens. Noble gases such as neon, argon, krypton are used in different types of lights.

Regarding this, what is a non metal example?

Example of non metal are Hydrogen, Helium, Chlorine, Fluorine,Carbon,Nitrogen,Oxygen, Phosphorous, Selenium. Examples of metals are aluminium, copper, iron, tin, gold, lead, silver, titanium, uranium, and zinc.

What is non metal short answer?

Answer: Substances which are soft and dull, i.e., non-lustrous, non-sonorous, non-ductile, non-malleable and poor conductor of heat and electricity are called non-metals. For example, oxygen, hydrogen, sulphur, etc.

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