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What is the difference between contrast and saturation?

Contrast is the difference between light and dark tones. You can also think of it as the separation between the shadows and highlights. An image with low contrast is said to look flat or dull, while high contrast makes an image look punchy or “contrasty”. Saturation is the depth or intensity of the color.

Besides, what is contrast of saturation?

SATURATION CONTRAST. Saturation, or quality, relates to the degree of purity of a color. Contrast of saturation is the contrast between pure, intense colors and dull, diluted colors.

Likewise, what does increasing contrast do? Contrast is defined as the separation between the darkest and brightest areas of the image. Increase contrast and you increase the separation between dark and bright, making shadows darker and highlights brighter. Decrease contrast and you bring the shadows up and the highlights down to make them closer to one another.

Consequently, what is the difference between contrast and sharpness?

Contrast is about the relative difference between light/dark areas. A lw contrast image looks "faded" or "washed out". Sharpness is about edges in the image and making them more or less "defined".

When would you use low saturation in a photo?

The lower the saturation of a color, the closer it is to gray. Lowering the saturation of a photo can have a “muting” or calming effect, while increasing it can increase the feel of the vividness of the scene.

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