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After food enters your stomach, the stomach muscles mix the food and liquid with digestive juices. The stomach slowly empties its contents, called chyme, into your small intestine . Likewise, where does food goes after leaving the stomach? Chyme: the name given to the partially digested food that leaves the stomach via the pyloric valve into the small intestine (duodenum). Beside above, how long does food stay in your stomach after a meal? about six to eight hours Hereof, does food go straight to your stomach? It moves food from the back of your throat to your stomach . Once food has entered the esophagus, it doesn't just drop right into your stomach . Instead, muscles in the walls of the esophagus move in a wavy way to slowly squeeze the food through the esophagus. What happens to food in the digestive system? Digestion works by moving food through the GI tract . Digestion begins in the mouth with chewing and ends in the small intestine. As food passes throu...