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What type of pump is needed to connect a basement sink to a septic system?

Sump pumps are normally used to pump clear liquid, such as ground water from a wet basement sump pit or gray water from a basement laundry sink. These pumps are light-duty and have no ability to pass solid debris other than perhaps fine soil or silt that may be in groundwater.

Similarly, what kind of septic pump do I need?

The Sump/Effluent submersible pumps are designed to pump relatively clean water usually behind an aerobic system or septic tank. The Sewage Ejector and Sewage Grinder pumps are both used to pump raw sewage.

what's the difference between a sump pump and a sewage pump? A sump pump is a machine designed for getting rid of water from flooding or other excess water in a structure's basement. By contrast, sewage pumps are designed to remove not just water but also waste and other small materials from a building to the septic tank or the sewage system.

Correspondingly, how does a basement sewage pump work?

A sewage pump is installed at the lowest point of the sewage basin. The basin itself is placed at or below the floor level of the basement. When the pump is turned on, the motor starts to rotate the impeller, creating the pressure that pushes water into the impeller and from there into the discharge pipe.

How long should a septic pump run?

The average household septic system should be inspected at least every three years by a septic service professional. Household septic tanks are typically pumped every three to five years.

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