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How do I start a kahoot game pin?

A unique Game PIN will be displayed at the top of the screen. Players go to and enter the Game PIN, then enter their nickname. Click “Start” once you can see all the players' nicknames on the “lobby” or waiting screen. During gameplay you can use the space bar or your mouse to go to the next question.

Thereof, what is kahoot it game pin?

A game PIN is a temporary, unique code that identifies which game you want to join. This PIN is generated when someone starts a live game or assigns a challenge.

Secondly, how do you make a kahoot for students? From your computer

  1. Go to, and log in to your Kahoot! account.
  2. Open the kahoot you want, or create one as usual.
  3. Click on the Challenge button and follow the instructions to set up a challenge.
  4. Copy the challenge link, and share with your students – via email, via your LMS or other messengers.

In this manner, how do you start a kahoot game?

  1. Step 1: Log in and click Quiz, Jumble, Discussion, or Survey.
  2. Add a description, tags, and cover image.
  3. Step 3: Create the learning game by adding questions,
  4. Step 1: Find a game to play.
  5. Step 2: Launch the game so players can join.
  6. Step 3: Play the kahoot.
  7. Step 1: Set a goal.
  8. Step 2: Set milestones.

Is there a free version of kahoot?

You've probably used (or at least heard of) the multiplayer gaming website Kahoot. There's a lot to like about Kahoot: it's free, works in web browers on tablets, computers, and smartphones, and you input your questions (or copy a pre-made quiz from their library).

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