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Is there a difference in gasoline grades?

Regular grade gasoline has a octane rating between 85 and 88, with the average being 87. midgrade, or plus, gasoline has an octane rating of 88 to 90, with the average being 89. Premium grade gasoline has an octane rating that is larger than 90, with the average being 92.

Hereof, does the grade of gas make a difference?

Cheaper gasoline sometimes omits the additives designed to clean older engines. With today's modern fuel-injection systems however, that shouldn't make much difference. Because premium gas has a higher octane rating than midgrade or regular gas, it produces a little more power when burnt.

Likewise, what's the difference between regular and mid grade gas? Typically “regulargas is 87 octane, “midgrade” is 89 octane and over 91 octane is “premium” gasoline. Some states label top-tier gasoline with 93 octane as “ultra” gas.

In this way, does putting premium gas make a difference?

The main difference with premium is its octane rating — 91 or higher compared with 87 for regular octane. The higher octane of premium gas won't make your car faster; in fact, the opposite is possible because higher-octane fuel technically has less energy than lower-octane fuel.

What is the difference between different types of gas?

Regular gas is rated at 87 octane in most states, while premium gas is often rated higher at 91 or 93. Fuel with a higher octane rating can stand up to higher compression before it detonates.

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