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What does the Latin root Demo mean?

Definition & Meaning: Word Root Demo
Demo comes from Greek word demos people. Thus, words with the word root demo- either refers to people or to population. Let's have a look at the word democracy, which is a form of government, where people elect their rulers. 'Democracy' breaks down into: Demo: People.

Keeping this in view, what does demos mean in Latin?

Noun. demos (plural demoi) (political science) The common populace of a state, the people.

Subsequently, question is, what words have the root Dem? 11 letter words containing dem

  • demonstrate.
  • demographic.
  • misdemeanor.
  • demarcation.
  • pandemonium.
  • undemanding.
  • democratize.
  • debridement.

Then, what are words that start with demo?

10-letter words that start with demo

  • democratic.
  • demolition.
  • demography.
  • demoralize.
  • demonology.
  • demobilize.
  • demodulate.
  • demoiselle.

What does the Greek combining form Demo mean?

demo- a combining form occurring in loanwords from Greek, where it meant “people” (democratic); on this model, used in the formation of compound words (demography).

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