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How many daughter cells are created at the end of meiosis 2?

four haploid daughter cells

Accordingly, how many daughter cells are produced at the end of meiosis 1?

four daughter cells

Similarly, what is the end product of meiosis 2? 5.5 The Two Parts of Meiosis-Meiosis II In contrast to a mitotic division, which yields two identical diploid daughter cells, the end result of meiosis is haploid daughter cells with chromosomal combinations different from those originally present in the parent. In sperm cells, four haploid gametes are produced.

Also, how many chromosomes are in each daughter cell at the end of meiosis 2?

At the end of mitosis, the two daughter cells will be exact copies of the original cell. Each daughter cell will have 30 chromosomes. At the end of meiosis II, each cell (i.e., gamete) would have half the original number of chromosomes, that is, 15 chromosomes.

How many chromatids are at the end of meiosis 2?

The cells that enter meiosis II are the ones made in meiosis I. These cells are haploid—have just one chromosome from each homologue pair—but their chromosomes still consist of two sister chromatids. In meiosis II, the sister chromatids separate, making haploid cells with non-duplicated chromosomes.

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