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Why was Animal Farm written?

Orwell wrote Animal Farm to illustrate the way Stalinism had betrayed the ideals of the socialist revolution in the Soviet Union. As he put it, "I thought of exposing the Soviet myth in a story that could be easily understood by almost anyone and which could be easily translated into other languages."

Also to know is, why did George Orwell write Animal Farm?

Animal Farm was published on the heels of World War II, in England in 1945 and in the United States in 1946. George Orwell wrote the book during the war as a cautionary fable in order to expose the seriousness of the dangers posed by Stalinism and totalitarian government.

Similarly, what inspired the book Animal Farm? Orwell was inspired to write Animal Farm in part by his experiences in a Trotskyist group during the Spanish Civil War, and Snowball certainly receives a more sympathetic portrayal than Napoleon.

Consequently, when Animal Farm was written?

February 1944

Why was Animal Farm written as a fable?

Animal Farm is a fable because it is a morality tale using anthropomorphism, or animals who act like humans. Orwell wrote Animal Farm to tell a cautionary tale about communism using the Russian Revolution as a backdrop. By using animals, Orwell was able to make his “fairy story” a traditional fable.

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