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What is the second form of learn?

Verb Forms of Learn
(Base) 1st (Past) 2nd (Past Participle) 3rd
Learn Learnt Learnt
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In this way, what are the three forms of learn?

Conjugation of 'Learn'

Base Form (Infinitive): Learn
Past Simple: Learnt/Learned
Past Participle: Learnt/Learned
3rd Person Singular: Learns
Present Participle/Gerund: Learning

is it I have learned or I have Learnt? Learned is the more common past tense and past participle of the verb learn. Learnt is a variant especially common outside North America. Learnt however is more common in British than America and Canada and is considered informal.

Hereof, what is the past tense of learn?

Learnt and learned are both used as the past participle and past tense of the verb to learn. Learned is the generally accepted spelling in the United States and Canada, while the rest of the English-speaking world seems to prefer learnt. Learn more about the details of this difference below.

Is the verb learn regular or irregular?

Learned and learnt. The verb to learn means to acquire knowledge of, or skill in, something through study or experience. To learn is one of those verbs with both an irregular form and a regular form. The past tense and the past participle can be written as either learned or learnt.

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